I promise this is the last photo i'll snag off someone else. (but isn't it nice? edisto beach, sc) The word on the street is that i may finally be the owner of a digital camera around the 25th of this month. Then i have the lofty goal of becoming a regular blogger. I know, it may be hard to believe, because i've promised it before and always seem to end up with .....nearly a month.....between my posts. But with my own camera i feel certain everything will change. I can't wait to document more of my everyday life here in sweden both for you readers and for myself to be sure and capture this particular, special time in my life.
The point of this post is to say that i am leaving TOMORROW for SC. Sunny, south carolina that is. These days i can't seem to say one without the other. i know it's not always true, but indeed from my perspective the sky is definitely sunnier on the other side. It has been a year since i've seen dad, luke, calvin, harry, caroline. 9 months since i've seen becca and mom. a year and a half since i've seen joe. too long....far too long. though i am grateful for what i have. That I have such a wonderful family that i want to be with all the time. That both me and my älskling can afford a place ticket. That we get to have 24 blissful days in a row together....full force, focused, concentrated time together.
The snow is falling outside my window now. That makes the winter darkness a lot less dark and much more beautiful. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a blessed season.
Sunny SC here i come!!