Well, I meant to write about 3 weeks ago to say that I was moving yet again, and give all you precious readers a heads up. But the night before the 22 hour car ride just wasn't the time. And then I got here and it's all been a whirlwind. So this post will hopefully catch you up on the basics of where I am and what I'm doing. Then I can share smaller details of my life here every now and then. Which is all I'll have time to do I'm afraid. The blog most definitely must take the back seat to other things happening this summer.
So....way back in the middle of the cold, dark Swedish winter I decided that when I moved back to the United States I wanted to live with my older sister and dear friend Rebecca on her and her husband's farm in Southeastern Minnesota. Beautiful rolling hills, covered-in farmland Minnesota. I couldn't picture a better place to transition to life back in the States than to enjoy their friendship and work hard to help them realize their vegetable-growing dreams. They bought their 40 acre farm just a few months ago, and there is much to be done.
We wake up just a few minutes before 4 am (the 3:something is significant psychologically) nearly every day to be in the garden harvesting by 5 am. They grow an amazing diversity of vegetables, herbs, and flowers to sell at 2 farmers markets and through a CSA (community supported agriculture). No chemicals are used, just lots of hand labor, hand tools, and diligent weeding.
I hope everyone had a wonderful midsummer! I'd love to hear from my Swedish readers how you celebrated. Sadly I didn't get to dance this year or see little girls with flower wreaths in their hair, but I thought about Sweden a lot that day. I am teaching Rebecca a lot of Swedish this summer. She is a language lover and eager learner. It's very fun for me to keep speaking!