I really do. I have been meaning to blog, wanting to blog, seeing a million moments every day i want to capture on camera and share with you all, but here is my schedule: up at 4 am. eat. work. eat. work. eat. bed at 9. and a slow computer. But life has been happening. Real life. Real, raw-milk-straight-from-our-organic-dairy-farmer-friend's-tank life. Life that includes popping sugar snap peas into your mouth while you're picking, and one that makes time for putting up strawberry jam. One in which your body grows strong, skin gets tan, and yes, maybe a little tan-looking from the dirt.

And we even make time for fun. Mostly fun centered around food. How could food NOT be the main excitement and subject of conversation as we work in the fields all day, surrounded by delicious inspiration?

I wonder how everyone's summers are going. I hear Uppsala had some rainy weather in the beginning of June, but hopefully it's nicer now? I know how important a nice summer is when the winter can be so....well, depressing? Not every day, but i remember those cloudy, dark, slushy days as being a bit tough to get through.
But let's not talk about winter. SUMMER is here, and on the farm things are in full swing. I am loving this lifestyle and learning so so much every day. And my convictions are growing even stronger that I deeply desire to raise chickens and grow food, perhaps sell flowers, and do bees? honey and candles? I'm not sure of the specifics, but it sure feels good to be a producer and not just a consumer. Here is a link with more farm pictures....they are from june when i was dropped off in Minnesota by my mom and little sister.