I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning. I will wake up, feel excitement in my belly, eat a quick breakfast, put on something cute, and drive to the airport. There i will find my mamma, sitting at an airport cafe (having arrived very early) and we will be reunited, mother and daughter, friends together again. I will bring her breakfast and we will sit with her big black bags until we are reunited with our dearest, darling, we-miss-her-so-much sister and daughter BECCA who is arriving around noon. I feel already that this trip will be so encouraging for all 3 of us. And that it will be for lack of a better way to put it...a woman's trip...a time for being with women, giggling as women, talking as women, appreciating everything as women. Often I think all three of us wish we were like some families who settle near each other, who visit often , who can drive over for a weekend or come by for a sunday lunch after church. But we're not...somehow Becca ended up in Minnesota and now NY, I met someone from Sweden and have followed him here...and we find ourselves in different corners of the world instead of different parts of a state or city. But this is us. This is the life God has led us to. And it means we communicate a lot on the phone and through emails, and we have these visits which are not so frequent but when they happen are a whirlwind of fun and excitement.
Today there is much to do....final planning, fixing bikes for use next week, mopping kitchen floors and finishing building my cold frames so my garden doesn't look like a construction site! The first flower opened up outside my door yesterday, just in time, and it's as if it knew someone special was arriving. :) It's small and yellow and perfect. I love spring. The picture above is flowers from Becca's farm at mid-summer, when flowers have their time of glory. I can only stare at that now and think...does that really happen? do these little plants really burst with color and out of a tiny seed become something so amazing with such detailed beauty? in the winter things seem hopelessly dead, beyond revival, but i know that soon there will be renewal. ressurection.
ooo! a blog post in our honor! how very exciting...i think i've packed enough knitting projects to last me a year, as if there were no yarn to be had in sweden but WHAT IF I RAN OUT OF KNITTING to work on while i'm on vacation!?? we must be prepared for these things. I also have a very, very heavy suitcase. hope that goes over okay. i think i'll weigh it at the farm before i leave today. hooray for travel! love, becca
Hannah, I am excited for you! Hope ya'll have an amazing time together and that it refreshes your heart!
Can't wait to hear everything you are doing...take pics, and please update your blog when you have time!!!! have fun.
great BLOG post!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Projetores, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://projetor-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
eagerly awaiting the follow up to this blog post!
Yes, the world is waiting to exhale.
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