I've undertaken 2 projects as of late. One is to copy down those recipes of mom's that I can't live without and find a little vintage wooden box in which to store them. I've already hunted at the flea market one Wednesday without success, but hopefully tomorrow's early morning trip will bring victory. This small task of going through her recipe box, pulling out those well-worn, stained index cards, and copying "summer pie," "apple dumplings," "strawberry pie" ...hmm i notice a pie-theme here...will save me countless hours and probably days of my life spent on the phone, asking mom for the same recipe over and over again, which I would then copy on a minuscule scrap of paper and shortly thereafter misplace. Not that I want those phone calls to end, really. It's a nice excuse for a chat, but I feel it's my duty and delight as a daughter to copy those recipes that my mother probably got from her mother, who received them from her mother...and there you have it; family history is preserved in the simple and everyday act of cooking.
The second project is this little "gratitude wrap," as it's been named by it's deisgner. It's a handy tri-folded wrap with 3 pockets on the inside to hold envelopes, paper, and stamps. A way to take thank-you writing and old-fashioned correspondence on the go. Don't look to closely at the photo, please. I'm really only just started to sew and my skills are depressingly few. It's a lot harder than it looks to cut a piece of fabric straight and carefully hem an edge without it ending up crooked.
So what about you? What projects, even the littlest ones, have you been able to spend time on lately?
Your sewing project is CUTE, Hannah! You'll get to use that to write me letters from MN! Hehe :) (I love having a pen pal!) I forgot to look at the calendar bag you made. I hope you find your recipe box tomorrow morning!
It looks great! How cute. i'm painstakingly knitting the sleeves on the sweater I should have finished weeks ago. sleeves are growing slowly, but surely.
Det du gör är helt bedårande! Hälsning från Christina som aldrig tänker sluta sy, sticka och brodera
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