Dear Readers,
It's been a long time. I have really missed being in touch with all of you and sharing bits of my life through this little blog. But I don't have a computer where I'm now living, and it just dropped out of my life routines. I hope to be back a bit more frequently now though. So much has happened in my life, and I am sure you can say the same about yours!
Where shall i start? My sister and her hubby (Becca and Joe, whom I live with) got a puppy who has charmed all our hearts in a short time. Her name is Tato, short for potato, and she is also known to be called tato puff, tortado, tortanion...the list keeps growing.

Even bigger news...Becca is pregnant! She is due in mid-April, around her own birthday. This will be my first niece or nephew so I'm so excited. (no one knows the gender, it'll be a surprise) This baby is already loved so much, and already owns many knitted items of course, as what could be more fun to do than knit baby things inside on these cold winter days?

The weather has been a lovely, classic winter. Lots of snow with lots of sunshine, cold temperatures, and a white landscape everywhere. Winter chores involve: lots of wood cutting, both for the woodstove and the basement furnace. Knocking the ice out of the animals' water dishes every morning and refilling them. Splitting wood, stoking fires, and buying seeds in anticipation of spring. Inside the kitchen window we have a small greenhouse of citrus trees growing. It's amazing how warm a south-facing window can warm a room, even on a 0 degree day.

I had a birthday. I'm a quarter-century old now! Becca fixed a lovely breakfast for the 4 of us. The table was set with candles, homemade heart-shaped biscuits, and grapefruit, and my coffee was ready to be poured when i got in from chores. She definitely has the gift of making things beautiful and special with her detailed touch. In the evening, a special someone took me out for Spanish tapas in town. It was a beautiful day filled with all the special things you'd hope for on a birthday.

Daniel and I bought a milk cow! This has changed our lives quite dramatically. Every day, morning and night, we hand milk her into stainless steel pails, getting 3 gallons or so a day. We love her rich, creamy milk, and have been busy making butter, cream cheese, keifer, and sharing with friends. This isn't the greatest picture of her...she's not very photogenic but looks aren't everything and we think it improves her character.

If you have a minute, write back (in svenska in welcome too!) and let me know how you your winter is treating you!
Åh, vad roligt att du har skrivit igen. Jag har saknat dig! Här i Sverige har vi en hård och kall vinter, men otroligt vacker. Snön ligger meterdjup. Jag tycker du ska virka amigurumi till ditt kommande syskonbarn
Kram från Christina
Wow! Exciting with a new addition to the family! I'm still sorry that we never got the chance to meet up when you lived in Uppsala but I am happy to see that you are enjoying life so much back home. I always dream of trying out farm life myself someday (and sheep farming!), so I enjoy reading about your adventures...
eh,dear Hannah,
it's no longer winter in Minnesota...
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