I don't know about every else out there, but I love making lists. Activities and events of all kinds make it on to my lists. Nothing is too insignificant to be written down. The daily "to do" lists are always nice, and it feels satisfying to cross each item off as the task is completed. The meal list and grocery list is a fun one to pour over, with cookbooks strewn around to get ideas from and with the garden's bounty always in mind. I'll admit I've gone too far. In eigth grade, my first in public school, I even wrote down what I wore each day so that I could reference my list and not commit the crime of wearing the same outfit within too short a time span. Thankfully I'm over that fear and now when I find a new combination to wear I can't seem to move on and I up wearing the same thing for days. :)
These days I'm working on my packing list for Sweden, and this is indeed one of the most exciting to make. As I write my list my mind drifts to all the exciting times ahead of me and the new places I'll get to see and smell and taste and feel. I must plan for several months, in a new climate, in a fashionable society, keeping in mind that it's not a third world country (i can buy things there if i forget something, for goodness sakes!) yet remembering how expensive it is (don't forget all the basics then have to fork over extra for shampoo and undies!). I want to keep it simple, yet not constantly wish when i was there that i had brought such and such book or picture or drawing supplies. For all you world travelers out there, what are the essentials included on your lists? What are the special luxeries you always like to bring along? And advice is welcome!
So everything is on track as far as the au pair family is concerned?
Do they still live "in the street where you live"?
As far as absolutely necessary things I think I would always go for books, cd's and photos.
And may be seeds of beloved plants? Janke.
Everytime I travel, I take an object or two of home. Traveling with a special tea bowl or momento item such as a small white wooden bird. While these objects hold no functional or probably practical purpose, they make the essentials that I forgot not too important.
A fellow traveler.
Hannah, I finally found a perfect little gift to give you that will commemorate your graduation and be a useful item used fondly while you are gone....and it won't take up much room in your luggage! I only hope it is not already on one of your famous lists and waiting to be snugged into your suitcase.
I so enjoyed seeing you and savoring your delicious culinary skills this past week...the garden tour was inspirational...I'm glad I got to give an official good-bye hug to you.
Maybe when you get back to the States you will be ready to come to my house and be my very own garden consultant! ;) Perhaps I'll have the irresistible urge to garden then and my plants will just "want to grow" too.
If I were packing to go a long way away for a long time. I would pack more shirts than pants. You can always get away with wearing the same pants over and over as long as the shirt is different! ;) Of course my pillow would have to go. When I go somewhere I always pack my pillow so that it looks like I've packed for a month when I'm only going for a weekend by the size of my luggage.
I'm looking forward to keeping up with you here. Hoping to see many pictures, maybe paintings, perhaps recipes?
Much love.
PS. Please ask your friend about the scone mix recipe!
Hi there girl! Mere saw this interesting article and thought you might find it interesting to read as well. It's about the state of women in Sweden.
How's the packing going?
Take along a couple of your favorite books. But remember you are there to learn Svensk. Since you will not be staying for months at one address (and not traveling) you can afford to take more than a tourist would. In this case. Warm clothes. If you have a backpack, use it as a suitcase. It will come in handy for traveling during the year. jpe
Rectification: you will be staying for months at one address. jpe
Don't we all live by lists? I know I would be lost and forget everything if I didn't make a list. :) Keep us in the know about life in Sweden so we can get a feel of what it's like to live there. Hello to Erik.
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