Every Wednesday, rain or shine, summer or winter, there is a place nestled in the foothills of the mountains where people come to find treasures, to sell junk, to haggle a price, and to chew the fat. It's name is the Pickens Flea Market, and it is one of my favorite destinations to travel to when I'm home. If my European friends ever come visiting (and you are ALL welcome) this is one of those unique cultural oases of the South that must be included in the itinerary.
There are rules to the market...unspoken, learned-over-time rules. Don't bother with the table where the vendor knows the value of their antiques. Always ask a lower price, and act pained and poor if they seem like they won't budge from 5 dollars to 4. Find that table where a woman just cleaned out her grandmother's house and is simply trying to get rid of things. Go early....at first light.
Well, now to the part you've all been waiting for...the report. This Wednesday I found a beautiful sterling silver, turquoise bracelet which I immediately fell in love with. It was $25. Hardly dirt cheap, but a deal for the quality of the piece, and when I realized that I made exactly $25 mowing my neighbor's grass last Saturday, the purchase was easily justified.