I'll write just a quick note before I head home for Christmas. My flight is leaving from Stockholm at the wee hour of 6:30, which means i'm getting up around 3 am in only a few hours. But i'm packed and have my passport handy, and it'll be nice to be tired on the flight so maybe i can sleep a bit. I could never travel so often as some business folks do, but I can't help but get that excited travel-feeling in my belly and stride through the airports feeling like i'm seeing the whole world coming and going at once. PLUS, i'm going home to my family, and this is the best feeling of all. I've been gone since the end of the summer, and i'm feeling quite ready to simply BE with the ones i love most.
December has been a busy month, and we've celebrated 3 birthdays in this house in a matter of weeks. Alexander (now 3), Hanna (50.....huge awesome surprise party), and Fredricka (sweet 16). In Sweden the birthday kid (and adult) gets an early morning delivery in bed of breakfast and presents, and everyone jumps on the bed to watch you open them. This must be the best way to celebrate, at least from a child's perspective, because there are no long waits to open the presents. :) In addition to the birthday parties, we have been visiting friends here and drinking lots of glögg (hot wine) and eating lots of pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies) and Lussekatt (saffron buns) and other swedish goodies.
Today I was delighted to attend a real Christmas smörgåsbord, called a Julbord, at a beautiful turn of the century Swedish mansion. The whole Klum family plus Erik were invited, and I have never seen such a spread of food. I can't believe i forgot the camera because it was all so gorgeous and special. There were 6 kinds of herring, 6 kinds of salmon (all with special sauces), a huge spread of sausage and ham and other meat, pickles, beet salads, potatoes cooked 10 different ways (of course!), omlettes, bread, cheese, etc, etc, and a lovely dessert spread and typically good coffee and christmas beer. We sat at a long table with candles and a view outside, and halfway through our meal a Lucia procession entered our room and we were serenaded by 6 girls with beautiful voices in white robes with red sashes and candle wreathes on their heads. Saint Lucia day was actually on the 13th, but it is a Christmas thing in general, and it was very lovely to see. Alexander was spellbound and when they left our room he kept asking for the "anglarna" (the angels) to come back!
Well, i'm off to finish the last packing details. Lots of gifts are tucked into my suitcase and other fun Swedishy things to share with family. Of course I'll miss Erik so much, and I'll miss my other favorite boy Alexander (though he's promised to call, and i can't wait to hear his little Swedish voice on the telephone). God Jul!!