Thursday, April 2, 2009

what i'm loving on 4.2.2009

nypon soppa. Rose-hip soup. With fun little only-found-in-sweden almond biscuits. And eaten in the SUN. I have a sore throat threatening to become a cold, so this vitamin-rich, thick, warm soup is my "medicine."melting snow. Yes, it's almost ALL gone! The once-appreciated but now-despised white stuff can now only be found in the darkest recesses of the forest and the shady corners of gardens.
Forest glens. I am trying to soak into my bones and my memory these gorgeous, inviting, peaceful forests. Today's warm weather made me just want to lie down and nap on a sunny, mossy rock.Linen. I wore linen today! Not wool (not even a hand-knit sweater), not a fleece jacket, but thin airy linen. Hardly a week ago it was winter...grey, cold, millions of layers of clothing. The first day that one can go without is so liberating.

So what are you loving these days?


Anonymous said...

Janke is loving the rain that is saving all the little seedlings I planted out last week.

Anonymous said...

and I love the little blue almondgrinder I bought in Sweden last year.
I'm definitely gonna try make those almond cookies tonight.
and I love you for writing your
beautiful blog.

Ashley said...

H.W. - I see your mother's face in that picture!
I am loving a warm, fat baby with skin like an angel's on my chest right chai in my favorite mug...warm crusty bread fresh out of the oven...and quiet, so rarely heard in this house during the day, quiet.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, even though I know Hannah's mother only from a couple pictures I thought so too:)

ashleigh said...

I am loving the dogwood blossoms, the birds migrating, and the joy & comfort of good friends. :)

p.s. let me know when you are home and settled...I want to see the Wyeth exhibit and maybe we can cross paths!