Grey is all it's been lately. A grey sky stretches out as far as the eye can see and the once-pure snow has turned grey from dirt and gravel. I know that coveting weather is silly, but it's hard to help it when on the phone with my family in SC I hear subconcious remarks like "oh, gosh, it's so hot here on the porch where i'm standing" or "well, your little sister is here in a sundress putting sunscreen on..." (all my ears pick up is
sun) And my favorite radio programs from home, streamed online, contain at least 10 weather reports every hour all stating how it's a glorious day with temps in the upper 60s! well, I will not succomb to the jealousy. My memory reminds me that last year, come late april and may, I experienced the most thrilling spring, the most energy-giving, joy-filled days, the forest floor covered in wild flowers, the midnight sun and the ceaseless chirping of birds. And that thrill can only come when one suffers through a lengthy grey season. So....suffering produces perseverence, perseverence character, and character hope. And on sunday night i discovered 2 frozen containers of berries from the summer in my freezer (i cannot BELIEVE they escaped my notice until now...i would have never resisted them this long if i'd known they were there) The red currents and blueberries made an amazing cobbler, reminding my taste buds of what's to come!
For now it's grey walks past the cottage which is open once a month as a cafe...reading books all day on a saturday, and bringing the hope of spring inside.

o, the little soldierhome!
Yeah I just love your house. That red color with all the snow around it is great.
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