Tonight I came home at 9. Tired from a week of evening english courses. Hungry. Frustrated that my classes can't be catered perfectly to every student's need. And home was soooo perfect in that moment. A respite, a shelter, a calm place.
Does anyone else out there just have those moments when home and homey activities are absolutely the most enjoyable and pleasant and perfect thing? When you would rather be nowhere else than that rocking chair with your knitting, or chopping carrots in the kitchen? Well, I am and always have been a homebody, so my answer is yes, 90% of the time.

My shawl is coming along nicely that I started a week or 2 ago. It's slow-going, but that's probably a good thing. Sometimes I race through projects too quickly. Instead I pick this up when I can, do a few rows, mark where I left off, and enjoy the slow growth. I do love knitting lace. It keeps one's mind alert. It's like training your short term memory abilities...
ok P2, K3, K2tog, SKP, YO, K1, YO, P7....repeat. And at the end of every row there is a moment of suspense as I see if I end up evenly with success or with an odd number of stitches. Most of the time the suspense is followed by a satisfying feeling of relief and pride that I made it safely again to one side without a disaster. I love the way knitting relaxes me, uses my hands, and engages my eyes as I take in the progress with a watchful eye for mistakes.

I am sure these women can't have been knitting lace. It's impossible to have a conversation simultaneously...I salute any knitter who has mastered that!
So what DOES it say on your tshirt?
Would depend a lot on the sort of job you had of course,
and who(if anybody) is with you at home,Janke.
It's dirty knees weather in College Park,so happy!
Hope soon for you too Hannah.
awesome blog! I LOVE IT!
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